Monday, 16 July 2012

I Put on my Airbrushing Robe and Wizard Hat

I have a number of things!

The first is bronchitis. Hence no good posts for a few days. This week breathing has been optional and consciousness variable. I've spent most of the week pulling sad faces while sat in various locations trying to move as little as possible.

The second is my first year uni results - I passed and am going on to my second year in the wonderful world of chemistry! Free IPA and distilled water here I come.

Thirdly, and most awesomely, I got an Iwata Compressor and Airbrush.

This is what I got, and the store my parents got them from. They highly recommend the site. Apparently very good to deal with and really nice.

Obviously when I'm feeling better I'll do a run through of the equipment and talk about what it's like to use but for now I'm just going to say oooohhh my god I'm never doing anything with not an airbrush again. I don't care if it is a tank, a dreadnought, or making a curry I'm doing it with my airbrush.

I basecoated a tank in 15 minutes.

It is like magic.

Looks like I'm going to be ill for a few days more though. I have some ideas for a few posts that I can do while too ill to paint and photo properly. There should be something interesting going up during the week!

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