Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas

You saddos reading a miniatures blog on christmas day.

I decided to extend the Kickstarters of 2013 post instead of breaking into several parts. As well as wanting less well known ones to be the content, rather than being the 1001st blog to go 'look at the Bones! Pretty!' I wanted them to be ones I could pull up information and images of the final products. I have a list of about twice as many kickstarters as I posted about, but a lot of them don't have retail standard products for viewing yet. I guess in a month or so I will do the follow up part covering the kickstarters that have actual products and not just promises to show.

I've been working on Kaladrax the bone dragon for the past couple of weeks for a goon. Been taking lots of pictures and even filming bit of the process. Filming the process of me going mental as I shave the billionth mould line off a foot long jaggedy tail. Whoo.

It's actually a gorgeous model and fun to manipulate but goddamn do I want to start painting it already. If I was doing the equivalent amount of plastic in normal sized miniatures I'd have a bundle off them perfectly polished and primed by now, and feel like I have something to show for the effort. Instead I have a single huge miniature that I still have not managed to finish cleaning after a couple of weeks solid effort. I think I've put in over 20 hours of filing and filling thus far.

In my downtime from inhaling probably carcinogenic dust I've been collecting lots of inspirational pictures and texture images to work from. Since Kaladrax is a bone dragon this means I now have hundreds of pictures of bones on my laptop. Most are excellent shots in and of themselves, and do have an artistic value even outside of research. But if someone looks at my images folder without any context I think my laptop might end up with the police.

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