Saturday, 3 September 2011

Selling Stuff

So I've come to the conclusion I have too much Sisters of Battle stuff that I'm never going to paint, and I'd rather sell it off and buy new things than let it collect dust. This is only a small portion of what I have going, but the rest is at home. I'll be back there in a week or two and be going through it all and putting up more then, for now here's what I've got and what kindof price I'm aiming for. Probably group some things together before I put them up on ebay and make them abit cheaper as a bulk buy.

I was hoping if some goony goons from the painting thread nabbed them I'd get to see them all painted up!

I'm sure I'll be able to take non blurry pictures some day...

Sister with Heavy Bolter - £6

Sister with Heavy Flamer - £6

Inquisitor - £6

Inquisitorial Henchmen OOP - £10

3 Stormtroopers - £10

Sister Cannoness - £6

Vampire Counts coach open but perfect - £20

Dark Eldar with assault weapons, blister open - £4
I have the Throne of Judgement, two St Celestines, a Penitent Engine, an Exorcist and a few tanks but I can't decide which of those I can part with.

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