Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Xenoblade Chronicles and Russian Brides

I've decided I'm just going to turn this blog into a generally all out geeky mumblefest. I don't paint enough to have a whole thing dedicated to it, but I do do enough random things to get up a post every other day. What has stolen my attention this time is a wii game by the name of Xenoblade Chronicles, which is so good that after having it for a week I ran (70 miles) to buy an HD PVR so I can record a let's play of it.


I've been working on some snazzy banners and artwork for it. My elves are sat around half painted looking forlorn. Or they would do if I'd painted their faces.

But! No one is going to care what I write on my blog. The only people who read it are my mum and a bunch of russian websites trying to sell me air mail brides. I have to admire their tenacity and business acumen; targetting a site about miniature painting is going to pay off in the long run.

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